You’re invited to the annual Food and Nutrition Forum held at the 2018 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair at Exhibition Place in Toronto.


Hear from nutrition, science, agriculture, and research experts; network with colleagues and make new contacts; pick up helpful resources; and experience The Royal, the largest indoor agricultural event in the world!


On the agenda . . . .

- Dr. Alison Duncan: The latest research on beans and heart health

- A panel of farmers discussing what consumers want and need to know about farming (bring your questions!)

- Dr. Joe Schwarcz: Discerning evidence-based science from the constant barrage of fake food news and alternative nutrition facts

- Dr. Christian Artuso: A case study presentation by Bird Studies Canada shows an interesting relationship between agriculture and the environment

- Dr. Jess Haines: The Guelph Family Health Study and the importance of establishing healthy eating habits early in life


Registration is $50 ($25 for students) and includes lunch, admission to The Royal, and a copy of Dr. Schwarcz’s latest book, A Feast of Science.


The program starts at 10:00 a.m. and concludes at 3:15 p.m. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Galleria outside of Salon 103 in the Enercare Centre.


Come for the Forum . . . . Stay for The Royal!



Food and Nutrition Forum

  • November 7, 2018
  • Toronto, Ontario
    M6K 3C3